5.5 miles total / 48:30
i did it like this:
1 mile, 9:00/mi pace
1 minute 8:00 pace
2nd mile, 9:00/mi pace
1 minute 8:00 pace
3rd mile, 9:00/mi pace
1 minute 8:00 pace
4th mile 9:00/mi pace
1 minute 8:00 pace
then my version of 'striders' which is to go slow (like 9:30 mile) for .13 miles and then crank it up to 8.0+ mph for .07 mi, then repeat. i did this 4 times, but the fourth time i got inspired by ben folds and ran 400m at 7:00 mile pace.
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i saw some girl at whole foods today and thought, wow, she totally looks like a runner. it kind of pisses me off that i don't think anyone would ever say that about me, even if i were covered in sweat wearing shorts and running shoes. my limbs are too short and stubby, the rest of me too . . uhhh . .feminine, i guess. plus, my overall shortness doesn't help. in the past, i have been asked if i danced (HA!), which is incredibly flattering, but I've never seen a ballerina that looked remotely like me. maybe they meant something else.