because if you don't tell the world about your running, are you even really doing it? (just kidding)

Thursday, May 26, 2005

road to recovery

all right! i went running today after 3 days of total rest. my 3 slow miles felt ok: not terrible, not wonderful. i think i'm a little dependent on running for stress relief/relaxation, because i've been missing . . . something . . . the last few days. does that make me crazy? don't get me wrong, i love my rest days, but generally only one in a row.

that might make me crazy. but what can you do?

i can just add running to my list of addictions, which also includes:

1. coffee
2. peanut butter
3. desperate housewives
4. trashy magazines
5. making lists of things

not the best habits, but definitely not the worst.


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