because if you don't tell the world about your running, are you even really doing it? (just kidding)

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

now what!?

thanks everyone for your comments!! it's so awesome to get feedback -- i will be sure to check out everyone's site who posted here . . .

in response to the iPod question - it's fine, now. but i've had this problem twice now where after running 2-3 hours with it, it freezes completely and then finally stops as if the battery is gone -- but there's NO WAY it's really gone, because i fully charged it beforehand (both times) and the little 'battery icon' wasn't even halfway used up! then, both times, it 'woke up' after a little charging. so maybe it IS battery issues - but if so, then the battery life certainly isn't what apple cracks it up to be.

complaints aside, i still love my tempermental machine. a lot.

ok. so i ran a marathon. but . . . now what?

here's the plan i've come up with for now . . . but it's subject to change!

recovery: i plan on taking the 4 weeks in a 'reverse taper', without much speedwork or super-long runs. i'm thinking something like:

this week (i'll call it week 0): run or walk (depending on how things feel) 30 minutes thursday, saturday, and sunday (today will be the last day of total rest)

week 1 of reverse taper: total 20 miles, split into five runs of 3, 3, 4, 4, and 6 miles

week 2 of reverse taper: total 27 miles, split into 5, 3, 5, 5, 9. maybe one day of easy-ish intervals

week 3 of reverse taper: total 32 miles, split into 6, 4, 5, 5, and 12 (i love my 12 mile weekend group runs and i can't wait to get back there!).

then, i'll do some specific 5K training (haven't picked out a 5K though, yet!)

and THEN, i want to train for a fall marathon, probably philadelphia. and someday, maybe not this time around, i would like to qualify for boston.

i can't help it. i like goals. they make life interesting.


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