because if you don't tell the world about your running, are you even really doing it? (just kidding)

Monday, May 02, 2005

i can't believe i'm really doing this

saturday: 5 mi

sunday: 18-19 (i'll go with 18.5) mi, the first 2/3 mostly on trails with a group and the last 1/3 with josh on the road

total mileage for week: a record-breaking (for me) 46 mi

i'm shocked that the 18-miler on sunday wasn't harder than it was. my main problem was the i started to get a stitch at the end and i had to run practically doubled over to the finish. my legs, surprisingly, did not feel fatigued at all. i couldn't believe it. maybe i just hadn't gone far enough to reach that elusive 'wall' -- or maybe i'm really good at storing a lot of glycogen. yeah!

i had a gel at mile 8 and again at 12.5. i drank water a bunch of times too - i hope i can figure out what caused the pain towards the end of the run so that i can prevent it in the actual race. next week is my last long run (20 mi), so we'll see . . . i cannot believe i'm actually going to do this.

i can't back out now. no one runs 18 miles for the hell of it. i'm running this freakin marathon. yeah!


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